Get Hyper-V Virtual Machine Process ID and GUID
When needing to manipulate a virtual machine - either kill it if it's unresponsive, or do other management tasks such as working with virtual disks or snapshots and even fixing specific issues with NTFS file permissions - it may be useful to know the virtual machine ID or GUID. In this brief article, we'll show you where to find the process ID and GUID.Find Virtual Machine GUID in XML Config File
If you look at the folder where the VM is located, you'll find an .XML file that contains the configuration information for the VM. This file name uses a long GUID string, which in fact is identical to the VM's GUID.Other Methods to Obtain ID and GUID
This is a good script written by Michael Michael from Microsoft. It will give you a list of all VMs in a hyper-v system as well as their respective BIOS GUIDs.Next, a good resource to know, the PowerShell management Library for Hyper-V, a project to provide a PowerShell management library for Hyper-V. It does pretty much what it says, with 80 functions in the library.
After importing the management library, run a command such as this one:
get-vm | ft ElementName,name
Another easy to use method is by querying the WMI repository.
Copy the following command and enter it in a PowerShell window with elevated credentials:
Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization -class msvm_computersystem | select elementname, operationalstatus, processid, name| ft -autoFor example:
After finding either the Process ID or the GUID, here is how you can kill a hung VM without affecting the other VMs on the host.
this is only for HyperV (2012), not for the Hyper-V v2 (2012R2)